Carbon Suite
2 How to get the bonuses: A member of the programme receives bonuses for buying scores, one score equals one rouble. The amount of the fee is 3 per cent of the value of the purchase.
3 When the bonuses are assessed: Bonus is calculated after delivery.
4 How to spend the bonuses: The pooled bonuses may pay for the following purchases at the Stolplit Internet store. Bone discounts can reach 20 per cent. Bonus can only be paid for the manufacture of the IF " Stolplit " , which is not subject to an equity proposal. The value of the partners ' products and the stock proposals of the bonuses is not affected.
5As the programme recognises the participants: Programme participants ' identification is based on their e-mail in the personal office of the site.
6 How to dispose of bonuses: A member of the programme may transfer points to other potential buyers.
7What happens to bonuses when they don't buy, If the programme participant refuses to purchase the bonuses, the bonuses shall be written off from the personal office. When a participant returns goods partially paid by bonuses, the bonuses shall be returned to a private office.
8 Someone may change the rules: The rules and fees of bonuses may be modified by the Stolplit Internet store.
9Additional privileges of programme participants: Selected proposals and actions may be available to programme participants. In such cases, the amount of points may be increased.
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