Шкафы с раздвижными дверями

Sliding Door Scales

What's the good or the bad, sliding and storage doors for the closet? Why do you have to choose a model in one case? We're studying the advantages and minus of different types of doors.

In the photo:

Mobile, spray or ware? What's better? You can't decide if you order it right now, like in the picture.


Doors, doors, works or half? In the case of a closet, it's about the same thing. But there are some nuances. For example, in the case of closets, the word " doors " is almost non-usable. And it's quite natural: such doors from the floor and almost to the ceiling are not called doors! It's adorable to call the doors of the dispensary closet. And " Completely " is a term that defines the panel itself, which serves the door, without the opening mechanism.

Spring doors for the closet


  • Scafes with these doors are meeting in all factories. It's not gonna be hard to find a model in the right style and the cutting.
  • Spray doors are cheaper than any other (other equal). That's because the opening mechanism is as simple as possible.
  • The spreading doors of the closet are long, for the same reason: the hinges can be held for half a century and the forwarding doors (depending on the material) are approximately 7 years.
  • The door opens silently. From the violin that can come out over time, removes the lubricant.

A number of adherents do not redeem tradition, which means no cabinets on hinges are outdated and present in all producers.


  • Each factory has its door towel width standards (e.g. 45 and 60 cm). Therefore, it is not always possible to find a " paint face " under another carcass. As a result, you are forced to buy doors and closets from one manufacturer.
  • There is a need for pens: half of the dispensary doors with fingers are rarely released. Only top-segment can we find compression-operated models ( push-up system). You can open the sliding sheet to the frame holding the flogs.
  • The spread door requires opening space. As a result, no objects can be located nearby.

To save space, a dispensary door is sometimes made at the same time as a warehouse (as in the photo). This at least doubles the space in front of the closet required to unlock the door.

See also:
  • Информация marble and granite slabs у нас.
  • Cabinet makers cincinnati. Things to know about cabinet makers cincabinets.com.
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